Standalone Usage

This allows the user to synthesize text using the Intelex Module. This version is a standalone (Single Service) version of the implementation.



  1. Run the program:

    python [TEXT] [CONFIG] --output [OUTPUT] --lang [LANG] --kwargs [KWARGS]
  2. The output will be saved in the output file if provided, otherwise it will be stored in the default location.

Arguments and Options

For a more detailed explanation of the arguments and options for the standalone version, see the Intlex Model section.

TEXT (Required)

This argument is used to pass the text to be synthesized.

CONFIG (Optional)

This argument is used to pass the configuration file. The default configuration file is in the config directory.

OUTPUT (Optional)

This argument is used to pass the output file. The default output file is output.wav.

LANG (Optional)

This argument is used to pass the language of the text to be synthesized. The default language is pt.

KWARGS (Optional)

This argument is used to pass additional arguments to the synthesizer. The arguments should be passed as a dictionary in the following format:

--kwargs '{"temperature":0.01,"top_p":0.4,"top_k":60}'