
The Normalization Service is a microservice responsible for pre-processing text inputs to ensure a standardized and consistent format before they are sent to the TTS synthesis process. It uses a modular design, allowing flexibility in managing text transformations such as punctuation adjustments, number-to-word conversions, date formatting, and abbreviation expansions.

This service supports multiple languages and can be configured via a rules.toml file, making it easy to adapt to new use cases or languages.


Key Features:

  • Text Normalization:
    Converts raw text into a predictable, synthesis-ready format. Handles various textual elements including punctuation, numbers, and abbreviations.

  • Multi-Language Support:
    Adapts normalization rules based on the language (e.g., pt for Portuguese, en for English).

  • gRPC Communication:
    Offers a Normalize method to process text requests from the TTS server and returns a NormalizeResponse with the transformed text.

  • Modularity:
    Rules are implemented as independent modules, which can be enabled or disabled through the configuration file.


Core Logic:

  • The Normalizer class is the entry point for applying normalization rules.
  • Rules are dynamically loaded based on the configuration file.

Rule Modules:

  • Each rule is a separate class inheriting from a NormalizationRule base class.

gRPC Service:

  • File:
  • Defines the NormalizerService and handles requests via gRPC.



The NormalizerService initializes the Normalizer class with a rule configuration and exposes the Normalize method:

class NormalizerService(normalizer_pb2_grpc.NormalizerServiceServicer):
    def __init__(self, args):
        if args.rules is None:
            args.rules = NORMALIZER_RULES
        self.normalizer = Normalizer(args.rules)

    def Normalize(self, request, context):
        normalized_text = self.normalizer.normalize_text(request.text.strip())
        return normalizer_pb2.NormalizeResponse(normalized_text=normalized_text)

The service listens on a configurable port (NORMALIZER_PORT) and communicates with other components using gRPC.


Punctuation Handling

  • File:
  • Functionality: Removes or replaces specified punctuation marks and reduces multiple consecutive spaces to a single space.


Input: "Olá, mundo!"
Output: "Olá  mundo"

Configuration (rules.toml):

enabled = true
remove = ["!", "?"]
replace_with_space = [",", ";"]

Number Conversion

  • File:
  • Functionality: Converts numbers into words and handles percentages, ordinals, fractions, and ranges.


Input: "25%" (language: pt)
Output: "vinte e cinco por cento"

Configuration (rules.toml):

enabled = true
detect_percentage = true
detect_years = true
detect_ordinal = true
handle_fractions = true
handle_ranges = true
handle_currency = true
supported_currency = ["USD", "EUR"] # Example
currency_map = "path/to/currency_map.json"
type = "long" # Example

Date Conversion

  • File:
  • Functionality: Converts date formats into words and supports partial dates (e.g., "January 2020").


Input: "2022-12-25"
Output: "vinte e cinco de dezembro de dois mil e vinte e dois"

Configuration (rules.toml):

enabled = true
allowed_separator = ["-", "/"]
formats = ["yyyy-MM-dd", "MM/dd/yyyy"]

Custom Replacements

  • File:
  • Functionality: Replaces patterns defined in a custom_replacements.json file.


Input: "IA é fascinante"
Output: "Inteligência Artificial é fascinante"

Configuration (rules.toml):

case_sensitive = false
use_regex_flags = true


  • File:
  • Functionality: Expands abbreviations using a abbreviations.json mapping file.


Input: "Dr. Silva"
Output: "Doutor Silva"

Configuration (rules.toml):

enabled = true
abbreviation_file = "abbreviations.json"


File: rules.toml

This file allows enabling/disabling specific rules and defining their parameters. For example:

rules = ["punctuation_handling", "number_conversion", "date_conversion", "abbreviations"]

enabled = true
remove = ["!", "?"]
replace_with_space = [",", ";"]

enabled = true
handle_currency = true
detect_percentage = true
detect_ordinal = true

enabled = true
formats = ["yyyy-MM-dd", "MM/dd/yyyy"]

enabled = true
abbreviation_file = "abbreviations.json"



"Dr. Silva deve $25,50 desde 01/01/2022."


  1. Abbreviation Expansion:

    "Doutor Silva deve $25,50 desde 01/01/2022."
  2. Number Conversion:

    "Doutor Silva deve vinte e cinco dólares e cinquenta cêntimos desde 01/01/2022."
  3. Date Conversion:

    "Doutor Silva deve vinte e cinco dólares e cinquenta cêntimos desde o primeiro de janeiro de dois mil e vinte e dois."


"Doutor Silva deve vinte e cinco dólares e cinquenta cêntimos desde o primeiro de janeiro de dois mil e vinte e dois."`